GRAID Graduate Assistantships in Developing Countries.
La Commission pour les Pays en Développement
l'Union Mathématique Internationale
a créé le programme
GRAID (Graduate Assistantships in Developing Countries). Son objectif est de permettre à des étudiants de pays défavorisés de poursuivre leurs
études et de préparer un master ou une thèse en mathématiques dans leur pays, grâce à un soutien financier minimal. Les dons sont à adresser au
CIMPA (Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées), association reconnue d'utilisé publique, ce qui permet aux contribuables français de bénéficier d'une déduction fiscale pour leurs dons - voir le site du CIMPA
Donation à GRAID (Graduate Research Assistantships In Developing countries)
Run for GRAID contribue au financement.
Voir mon compte
facebook, les sites
Run For Graid et
Angel Pineda Running for GRAID.
Concert Solidaire à Limours, La Scène, samedi 20 novembre 2021 à 20h30. Au profit de trois associations dont
Run For Graid.
Voir aussi
la vidéo de présentation
Graduate Assistantships
in Developing Countries
Supporting Mathematics Graduate Students
in the Countries that Need it Most. By
Jose Maria Balmaceda, C. Herbert Clemens,
Ingrid Daubechies, Angel R. Pineda, Galina Rusu,
and Michel Waldschmidt.
Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 70 n°8 September 2023, 1281-1284
International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2026), Travel Support & International Exchanges
With generous funding from the
Simons Foundation
and in collaboration with the
International Mathematical Union
(IMU) and the
Commission for Developing Countries
(CDC), the
American Mathematical Society
(AMS) is pleased to offer the ICM 2026 Travel Support Program. Travel support for ICM 2026 participants will help to ensure that mathematicians from all over the world are well represented on the hemispheric and world stage in mathematical research. This program will provide partial support for mathematicians from eligible developing countries to attend the
International Congress of Mathematicians
(ICM), to be held July 23–30, 2026, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Travel support recipients are expected to arrive in Philadelphia on July 21, 2026, and depart on July 31, 2026.
For details about the ICM 2026 Travel Support Program, visit the
AMS website.
Archives from September 2004 till now.
October 4 - 18, 2024. Lahore (Pakistan)
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
Introduction to transcendental numbers and to two conjectures by Nagata.
• Monday, October 14, 04:00 - 05:00 pm, John Conway Spirited Seminars Series,
Monday, LUMS. On the degree of hypersurfaces with given singularities.
Punjab University (PU),
Department of Mathematics Lecture on
Diophantine equations.
October 26 - November 12, 2024, Hanoi (Vietnam)
School (28/10 - 8/11 2024) and Conference (9 - 12/11/2024)
“Selected topics in Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry” at
the Institute of Mathematics of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST).
Title of my course for the school: Representation of integers by binary forms.
Title of my talk for the workshop: Representation of integers by binomial binary forms in some families
November 20 - 24, 2024: Berhampur (India)
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Berhampur
International conference on class groups of number fields and related topics (ICCGNFRT-2024).
November 26 - 30, 2024: Delhi (India)
International Conference on Diophantine Equations, Polynomials & Related Areas (ICDEPRA) - 2024,
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Delhi.
December 16 - 19, 2024: Chennai (India)
International Conference on Number Theory and Related Topics ICNTRT-2024.
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc),
January 6 - 17, 2025: Valparaiso (Chile).
CIMPA school Serre’s big image theorem for Galois representation associated to elliptic curves. Course on Diophantine Approximation and Diophantine Equations.
February 10 - 22, 2025: Japan
The 17th MSI-SI
(Mathematical Society of Japan - Seasonal Institute) - Developments of multiple zeta values.
Week 1, Lectures on multiple zeta values and beyond, February 10 - 15 (2025), Kyushu University, Fukuoka.
Week 2: Modular forms and multiple zeta values, February 17 - 22 (2025), Kindai University, Osaka.
April 10 - 12, 2025: Cork (Ireland)
University College Cork (UCC), School of Mathematical Sciences.
Meeting of the
Committee for Developing Countries of the European Mathematical Society.
May 18 - 21, 2025: Erbil (Kurdistan Region, Iraq).
College of Science, Salahaddin University.
Rowing Through Numbers celebrating Francesco Pappalardi's 60th Birthday.
May 22 - 23, 2025.
Fourth international conference in Mathematics and applications in Erbil (FICMA).
Du 30 juin au 4 juillet 2025: 33 èmes Journées Arithmétiques au Luxembourg.
July 14 - 25, 2025, Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM),
"CIMPA School: Arithmetic in Action: Number Theory and its Applications to Cryptography and Coding Theory.
Course on Lattices.
August 18 - 22, 2025: Université de Polynésie française (University of French Polynesia), Tahiti.
René 25 -
Celebrating the research interests of René Schoof.
With Etienne Fouvry,
Number of integers represented by families of binary forms (II): binomial forms.
Acta Arithmetica,
Online First, April 8, 2024.
arXiv:2306.02462 [math.NT]
With Etienne Fouvry,
Number of integers represented by families of binary forms (I).
Acta Arithmetica,
209 (2023), 219-267.
DOI: 10.4064/aa220606-16-2.
arXiv: 2206.03733 [math.NT]
The Four Exponentials Problem and the Schanuel Conjecture. Mathematics Going Forward. Collected Mathematical Brushstrokes. Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics LNM, volume 2313, 579 - 592. Published on March 28, 2023.
Lidstone Interpolation (III). Several variables.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society,
Ser. B, 10, 201-219 (2023).
DOI 10.1090/btran/135.
Lidstone Interpolation (II). Two variables.
Asian-European Journal of Mathematics,
Volume No. 16, Issue No. 04, Article No. 2350072, Year 2023.
DOI: 10.1142/S1793557123500729.
Michael Kaminski
Igor E. Shparlinski,
On sets of linear forms of maximal complexity
Computational Complexity, 32, 1 (2023).
arXiv: 2110.04657 [cs.CC].
On a paper by Nikolaev. The Ramanujan Journal, volume 57, pages 1517–1518 (2022). Published online: 12 February 2022. (MR4394019) (Zbl1482.11097).
Lidstone Interpolation (I). One variable.
Proceedings of the 87th Annual Conference of the
Indian Mathematical Society, December 2021.
The Mathematics Student, Volume 91 (Nos. 1-2), 2022, 79-95.
arXiv: 2303.04514 [math.CV].
HAL: 04025050
On entire functions of several variables
with derivatives of even order taking integer values.
Journal of Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (JRSMAMS),
Vol. 9, No. 1, December 2021, 95-104.
arXiv: 2112.02529 [math.CV].
On transcendental entire functions with infinitely many derivatives taking integer values at two points.
Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics,
Vol.45(3) (2021), 379-408.
arXiv: 1912.00173 [math.NT].
Le théorème des six exponentielles restreint à l'irrationalité.
Revue de la filière mathématiques RMS, avril 2021,
131ème année, N.3, 2020-2021, 26-33.
HAL 04025073.
English translation:
Six Exponentials Theorem - Irrationality.
vol. 27, No.4, 599-606 (2022).
View only version - Sharedit
Integer-valued functions, Hurwitz functions and related topics: A survey.
Number Theory. Proceedings of the Journées Arithmétiques, 2019, XXXI, held at Istanbul University.
Edited by Kağan Kurşungöz and Ayberk Zeytin,
De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics,
De Gruyter 2022, pp. 61-82.
arXiv:2002.01223 [math.NT]
HAL: 04025063
Les fichiers pdf ou ppt de mes exposés
récents ou
plus anciens sont téléchargeables.
You can download the pdf or ppt files of my
recent or
not so recent lectures and talks.
In English
On the Brahmagupta-Fermat-Pell Equation.
update 2024
The video
(July 23, 2020) is available on You Tube.
An introduction to the theory of finite fields (98 p.)
update 2024
Representation of integers by binary forms.
update 2024
On the Markoff equation x^2+y^2+z^2=3xyz;
update 2024
Circulant determinants and Clifford algebras.
update 2023
The square root of 2, the Golden ratio and the Fibonacci sequence.
update 2023
Videos on YouTube :
July 20, 2020
and November 19, 2022.
Two invariants related to two conjectures of Nagata.
update 2024
Link to the video Some variants of Seshadri's constant (October 12, 2020).
Euler constant
update 2023
On the abc conjecture.
update 2023
Interpolation problems.
update 2023
Introduction to analytic number theory.
update 2023
Some of the most famous open problems in number theory.
update 2023
An Introduction to elliptic functions.
update 2022
Families of Diophantine equations.
update 2022
Transcendental Number Theory: recent results and open problems.
update 2022
Lidstone interpolation
Four courses at
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc).
Lecture 1:
Friday, December 10 2021 15:30 - 16:45
link to the video
Lecture 2: Saturday, December 11 2021 15:30 - 16:45
link to the video
Lecture 3: Monday, December 13 2021 11:30 - 12:45
link to the video
Lecture 4: Tuesday, December 14 2021 15:30 - 16:45
link to the video
Slides on Lidstone interpolation -
update 2021.
Indo-French Cooperation in Mathematics.
History of Indo-French Scientific Partnership.
update 2021
Schanuel's Conjecture: algebraic independence of transcendental numbers.
update 2021
Irrationality and transcendence of values of special functions.
update 2021
Online course CIMPA on Interpolation.
course 1, 48 pages,
course 2, 49 pages,
course 3, 50 pages,
course 4, 65 pages.
Link to the videos on You Tube (December 2020)
Sheet 1,
Sheet 2,
Sheet 3,
Sheet 4,
update 2021
Linear recurrence sequences.
Part I, examples.
Link to the video, September 21, 2020.
Part II, the theory.
Link to the video, September 28, 2020.
update 2020
Srinivasa Ramanujan His life and his work,
Link to a video (December 16, 2020).
Link to another video on You Tube (Dec. 29, 2020).
update 2020
Integer valued entire functions.
see also the
Online course CIMPA on Interpolation.
course 4.
Link to the video on You Tube (December 15, 2020).
update 2020
Lidstone series, generalisations and arithmetic applications.
see also the
Online course CIMPA on Interpolation.
course 2.
course 3.
Link to the videos on You Tube (Dec. 2020)
update 2020
Representation of integers by cyclotomic binary forms.
Number Theory Web Seminar,
Tuesday, May 12, 2020.
Link to recording and slides
update 2020
Introduction to Galois Theory
update 2019
Continued fractions: introduction and applications.
update 2019
See also
Continued fractions (unpublished manuscript, 46 pages).
The unity of mathematics - examples from transcendental number theory.
Video on YouTube of the
first and
third courses (October 2018).
update 2018
On the Landau-Ramanujan constant
update 2018
An elementary introduction to error correcting codes.
powerpoint file
update 2018
An elementary introduction to cryptography.
powerpoint file
update 2018
Diophantine equations and Diophantine approximations
update 2016
See also
Families of Diophantine equations.
update 2016
Diophantine approximation with applications to dynamical systems.
update 2016
Multiple zeta values.
update 2014
Diophantine equations and Diophantine approximation
update 2012
En français
Géométrie paramétrique des nombres dans les corps de fonctions.
mise à jour 2023
Le Podcast de la culture mathématique: Trajectoires #18: Nombres Transcendants (23 septembre 2019).
Les débuts de la théorie des nombres transcendants.
mise à jour 2019
Introduction à la cryptographie.
fichier powerpoint,
mise à jour 2018
introduction aux codes correcteurs d’erreurs
fichier ppt
mise à jour 2018
L'équation de Brahmagupta - Pell - Fermat.
mise à jour 2017
Sur l’équation de Markoff x^2+y^2+z^2=3xyz.
mise à jour 2016
La conjecture abc
mise à jour 2016
Fractions continues, introduction et applications
mise à jour 2016
Problèmes ouverts en théorie des nombres.
mise à jour 2015
La constante d'Euler est-elle un nombre rationnel, un nombre algébrique irrationnel ou bien un nombre transcendant?
mise à jour 2014
Nombres transcendants: résultats récents et problèmes ouverts
mise à jour 2009
Valeurs zêta multiples, d'Euler à nos jours.
mise à jour 2008